OSA grants to the Author(s) (or their employers, in the case of works made for hire) the following rights:(b)The right to post and update his or her Work on any internet site (other than the Author(s') personal web home page) provided that the following conditions are met: (i) access to the server does not depend on payment for access, subscription or membership fees; and (ii) any such posting made or updated after acceptance of the Work for publication includes and prominently displays the correct bibliographic data and an OSA copyright notice (e.g. "© 2009 The Optical Society"). We demonstrate the highest-quality Bragg gratings reported to date in chalcogenide glass rib waveguides, both in strength and apodization. A modified Sagnac interferometer is employed to write gratings in As 2 S 3 -based rib waveguides, achieving an induced refractive index modulation of the order of 10 −2 and a grating transmission rejection of more than 30 dB. We obtain good agreement between experimental and theoretical results based on a transfer-matrix formulation for multilayer optical structures. In addition, we report fabrication of phaseshifted Bragg gratings, as well as an investigation of the role of birefringence, higher-order modes, and aging. Finally, grating growth dynamics are investigated by in situ monitoring during writing.