A method for direct computation of complete load-de ection curves, including both primary and secondary branches, as well as exact calculation of singular points is presented. The method used for path following is the cylindrical arc-length method in accordance with Crisÿeld.1 To calculate singular points, an extended system, as proposed by Keener and Keller, 2 has been adopted. The numerical problems arising from illconditioned sti ness matrices near the singular points, are circumvented using a de ation technique. By a modiÿcation of the constraint equation used in the arc-length method, a reliable method for branch switching has been obtained. This leads to a uniÿed approach to complete path following of structures with limit and bifurcation points.The use of this approach is demonstrated both on a simple two-bar truss as well as on a star-shaped shallow truss dome which exhibits complex stability characteristics. Comparisons are made with calculations found in the literature. ?