Studying social entrepreneurship and socio-entrepreneurship as a concept helps us better comprehend what they mean. After doing literature research of books and scientific publications, the data is gathered and analyzed using the content analysis technique. Profit is the primary goal of social entrepreneurship, which was born out of the United States' economic system. With this strategy, it splits its company activities into economic and social components. The economic success of social entrepreneurship is assessed by evaluating how exploitative and desire-based it uses resources. Socio-entrepreneurship, on the other hand, has its roots in the European economic system. Process and behaviour are its primary focus, with the goal of improving society in mind. Social progress is difficult to quantify, thus socio-entrepreneurship coordinates the efforts of individuals and organizations to make a positive impact on society as a whole. It considers resource consumption on a case-by-case basis. However, this study also covers the political, cultural and religious components of society. To better understand entrepreneurship in Indonesia, future research should look into these elements as well, so that the perspective can be broadened. Because this study is based on a theoretical framework, an empirical method is also recommended to verify this concept in a real-world environment using inferential statistics.
Keywords: social and socio-entrepreneurship, literature survey, content analysis, goal and orientation of entrepreneurship, resource utilization .