The critical sociologic theory, the marxian thought and even the motto of the English Royal Society "nullius in verba" invite us to "not trust anyone's words", that is to say that nothing is what it appears and we must not to believe everything that who govern tell us. That means media representations must always be ascertained with skepticism and critical spirit as occulting logics, dynamics, dispositifs functional to the system in term of management of conflicting implosive forces, crises and critical limits that could it to collapse. In a nutshell we now feel more than ever the absolute need for a social critique that demonstrates again how policy and science collaborate to litterally incorporate the consumer values on which the system is founded. In the case, by riding the covid, we see how the current populist ultraliberist policy tries to implement new totalizing nosopolitics focused on wealth, health and body performances fully functional to self-regulation automated mechanisms of reproduction and resilience of an absurd system condamned to grow indefinetely. We can also detect how an ontogenetically unfair profit-centered system makes use of war-like strategies to impose advanced biopower forms, as well as exploiting the collateral side effects of all kinds of crises to derive commercial benefits and promote the recovery. In short, I try to approach the covid from an unconventional sociopolitical perspective, by limiting myself to delineating some relevant themes of a much broader problematic discourse, aimed to stimulate attention on underlying systemic logycs whose collateral damages risk to vaporize di liquid society and to opening dystopian scenarios, including a new era of totalitarianism.derive commercial benefits and promote the recovery. In short, I