“…Following the logic of social preference scores, some compute a difference of most popular minus least popular standardized nominations as a measure of perceived popularity (Cillessen & Mayeux, 2004a ;Closson, 2009aClosson, , 2009bKo š ir & Pe č jak, 2005 ) or perceived preference (Kuppens, Grietens, Onghena, Michiels, & Subramanian, 2008 ;Lease et al, 2002 ). Most commonly, perceived popularity or preference is treated as a continuous variable, although some have used cutoff scores (typically ± 0.5 or 1 SD) to classify youth into status categories (e.g., Closson, 2009a ;Ko š ir & Pe č jak, 2005 ;Kuppens et al, 2008 ;LaFontana & Cillessen, 1999 ;.…”