The Box-Ball System (BBS) is a one-dimensional cellular automaton in {0, 1} Z introduced by Takahashi and Satsuma [7], who also identified conserved sequences called solitons. Integers are called boxes and a ball configuration indicates the boxes occupied by balls. For each integer k ≥ 1, a k-soliton consists of k boxes occupied by balls and k empty boxes (not necessarily consecutive). Ferrari, Nguyen, Rolla and Wang [3] define the k-slots of a configuration as the places where ksolitons can be inserted. Labeling the k-slots with integer numbers, they define the k-component of a configuration as the array {ζ k (j)} j∈Z of elements of Z ≥0 giving the number ζ k (j) of k-solitons appended to k-slot j ∈ Z. They also show that if the Palm transform of a translation invariant distribution µ has independent soliton components, then µ is invariant for the automaton. We show that for each λ ∈ [0, 1/2) the Palm transform of a product Bernoulli measure with parameter λ has independent soliton components and that its k-component is a product measure of geometric random variables with parameter 1 − q k (λ), an explicit function of λ. The construction is used to describe a large family of invariant measures with independent components under the Palm transformation, including Markov measures.