Indexical beliefs pose a special problem for standard theories of bayesian updating. Sometimes we are uncertain about our location in time and space. How are we to update our beliefs in situations like these? In a stepwise fashion, I develop a constraint on the dynamics of indexical belief. As an application, the suggested constraint is brought to bear on the Sleeping Beauty problem. The problem becomes worse. In some cases, we cannot keep track of the relevant contextual features. Around midnight on Sunday, I may be unsure whether it is still Sunday or already Monday. As a result, I become uncertain whether I should belief 'Today is Sunday' or 'Today is Monday'. How should our credence evolve when we lose track of our location in time and space?
IntroductionThe problem of updating in situations of uncertainty concerning our spatiotemporal location has emerged from the Sleeping Beauty problem (which will be reviewed in section 5). But, as the foregoing considerations indicate, the problem of indexical belief is much more general. In this paper, I develop in a stepwise fashion a general constraint on the dynamics of indexical belief which 1 2 CONTINUITY