The Hanford Internal Dosimetry Program, administered by Pacific Northwest ~aborator~(~) for the U.S. Department o f Energy, provides routine bioassay monitoring for employees who are potenti a1 ly exposed to radionucl ides in the workplace. This report presents the technical basis for routine bioassay monitoring and the assessment of internal dose at Hanford. The radionuclides of 58 concern include tri t i um, corrosion products (Co, 60~o, 54~n, and 59~e), strontium, cesium, iodine, europium, uranium, plutonium, and americium. Sections on each of these radionuclides discuss the sources and characteristics; dosimetry; bioassay measurements and monitoring; dose measurement, assessment, and mi tigation; and bioassay follow-up treatment. (a) Pacific Northwest Laboratory is operated by Battell e Memorial Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC06-76RLO 1830. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In the production of this report, the authors gratefully acknowledge the invaluable support of R. J. Traub as peer reviewer, S. K. Ennor as editor, and Marge Johnston, Marianna Cross, Rose Moreno, and Margot White as word processors.