Various Hanford site-wide radiation protection services provided by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy-Richland Operations Office and Hanford contractors are described in this annual report for calendar year 1990. These activities include internal dosimetry measurements and evaluations, in vivo measurements, external dosimetry measurements and evaluations, instrument calibration and evaluation, radiation source calibration, and radiological records keeping. For each of these activities, the routine program, program changes and enhancements, associated tasks, investigations and studies, and related publications, presentations, and other staff professional activities are discussed as applicable.iii SUMMARY This report documents the performance of various Hanford site-wide radiological protection services during calendar year (CY) 1990 provided by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) in support of the U.S. Department of Energy-Richland Operations Office (DOE-RL) and contractor activities on the Hanford site. The routine program for each service is discussed along with any significant program changes and tasks, investigations, and studies performed in support of each program. Other related activities such as publications, presentations, and memberships on standards or industry committees are also discussed. The programs covered provide services in the areas of 1) internal dosimetry, 2) in vivo measurements, 3) external dosimetry, 4) instrument calibration and evaluation, 5) radiation standards and calibration, and 6) radiological records.The Hanford Internal Dosimetry Program provides for bioassay monitoring and associated evaluation and documentation of assessments of internal exposure and dose to Hanford personnel and site visitors. During 1990 the Internal Dosimetry Program performed 18,462 excreta and in vivo bioassay measurements. The program performed 225 assessments of potential new intakes and six reassessments of prior exposures. Nearly 97% of the measurements were classified as routine, 1% were for followup of suspected intake of radionuclides, and 2% were classified as special-purpose measurements. During the year, the contract for excreta bioassay analysis with United States Testing Company, Inc., (UST) was terminated. (Because the recovery from this termination required considerable effort it has been described in considerable detail.) Supporting tasks that were performed, in addition to the many changes required by the UST contract termination, included development of a computer code to help with the dose calculations resulting from the routine fecal program. The routine fecal sampling program was terminated.The Hanford In Vivo Measurement Program is an integral part of personnel dosimetry at Hanford and provides for the detection of radioactive materials deposited in site employees and visitors. The program provided a total of 13,316 measurements during CY 1989. Changes to facilities and equipment included I) replacing obsolete analyzers with a new workstation, 2) acqu...