The spatial coherence and the optical phase distribution across a two-dimensional ͑2D͒ photonic crystal implemented with coupled arrays of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers ͑VCSELs͒ are experimentally characterized. This is achieved by performing Young's interference experiments between pairs of array elements using a spatial light modulator arrangement. In contrast to far-field measurements that provide information only on the global spatial coherence, this approach can yield full mapping of the complex degree of spatial coherence. Examples of such analysis are presented for nominally uniform one-dimensional and 2D arrays of coupled VCSELs and possible mechanisms of the observed coherence degradation are discussed. © 2007 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2431474͔The output power of single-mode vertical cavity surface emitting lasers ͑VCSELs͒ is typically limited to a few milliwatts because of their small aperture area required for higher-order spatial mode suppression.1 Increasing the aperture size leads to poor selection between spatial modes and, above a certain size, results in uncontrolled filamentation, which limits the output power and degrades the spatial coherence and beam quality of the device. The problem of filamentation can be overcome by coupling a large number of single-mode VCSEL, forming two-dimensional ͑2D͒ arrays of phase-locked emitters. [2][3][4][5] In addition, these arrays exhibit a high degree of spatial coherence, as inferred from their nearly diffraction limited, four-lobed far-field patterns, which indicate that they oscillate predominantly at the lowest loss out-of-phase supermode.
2-5Evaluating the features of spatial coherence of coupled-VCSEL arrays is important not only for optimizing their coupling but also for developing functionalities that rely on such coherence. An example of such application is beam steering, where control over the mutual phase of the emitters is necessary.The spatial coherence in phase-locked VCSEL arrays has traditionally been evaluated using measurements of their far-field patterns 2,3 complemented by model calculations of their supermodes. 4,5 However, this approach yields information only on the global coherence properties of the array, in particular, the deviation of the beam pattern from the expected diffraction limited distribution. Moreover, such analysis generally cannot give direct indications on the mechanisms of coherence degradation. Spectral analysis of such arrays, e.g., using spectrally resolved far-field patterns or spatially resolved emission spectra, could give more indications on spatial coherence, but is difficult due to the small spectral splitting of the supermodes in large arrays.A more complete evaluation of the spatial coherence across a VCSEL array would be to measure the complex degree of spatial coherence ␥͑x , y ; xЈ , yЈ͒ between pairs of points in the array plane ͑x , y͒. This can be accomplished by performing Young's interference experiments, in which the interference pattern corresponding to two selected...