Downloaded from IAEA stations. Those data allowed the calculation of the slopes S of the 2 H- 18 O LMWLdetermined for each station. S increases with longitude from ≈5 (Portugal) to ≈9 (Russia), they are positively correlated with relative humidity (RH), negatively with temperature, and positively with the mean intra-annual amplitude of temperatures, which is a proxy of continentality. Slopes of 5 to 6, recorded in southwest Europe, reflect mean RH (70 to 75%) and sea surface temperatures (≈25°C) of the Central Atlantic Ocean where the main flux of moisture is formed before being transported by the westerlies. In addition, falling water droplets within an air column with a high RH (> 80%) and low temperature are expected to escape sub-cloud evaporation. Therefore, slopes with values close to 9 are considered to reflect isotopic equilibrium conditions during the condensation of water vapour in clouds.