We analyzed a set of geodetic data to investigate the contribution of local factors, namely the sea level natural variability (SLNV) and the vertical land motion (VLM), to the sea-level trend. The SLNV is analyzed through the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) on tidal data (>60 years of recordings) and results are used to evaluate its effects on sea levels. The VLM is measured at a set of continuous GPS (cGPS) stations (>5 years of recordings), located nearby the tide gauges. By combining VLM and SLNV with IPCC-AR5 regional projections of climatic data (Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 2.6 and 8.5), we provide relative sea-level rise projections by 2100. Results show that the combined effects of SLNV and VLM are not negligible, contributing between 15% and 65% to the sea-level variability. Expected sea levels for 2100 in the RCP8.5 scenario are between 475 ± 203 (Bakar) and 818 ± 250 mm (Venice). In the Venice Lagoon, the mean land subsidence at 3.3 ± 0.85 mm a −1 (locally up to 8.45 ± 1.69 mm a −1 ) is driving the local sea-level rise acceleration.At time scales of years or decades, oceanographic and climatic factors drive non-stationary sea-level fluctuations, the so-called sea-level natural variability, whose assessment is important for future sea-level projections since their contribution is not negligible [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], (http://www.ipcc.ch). For example, in the Indian Ocean the effects of the natural variability, mainly driven by the decadal El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and monsoon, dominate the external forcing contributing up 85% of the observed trend [27]. In the Mediterranean basin, the glacio-isostatic contribution, acting from the Last Glacial Maximum, has a predictable pattern that has been estimated and compared with direct observational data in deforming zones [4,9,15]. The vertical land motion due to natural (tectonics, isostasy and ground compaction) [4,9,13], and/or anthropogenic factors (fluid extraction) [28,29], produces changes in the shape of the basins and changes in the height of the land with respect to the sea (see e.g., [9,13] and references therein). Although this effect does not directly change the quantity of water and its physical properties it results in a net increase (in case of subsidence) or decrease (in case of uplift) of the sea level, when evaluated in restricted geographical areas (as for example the punctual measurements by tide gauges), since the land is moving. If the vertical land motion operates over time it locally results in a net sea-level rate that adds up to the rate induced by GIA, thus affecting the local sea-level change. Tide gauge records are strongly sensitive to the vertical land motion since these instruments are tied to land. Although the role and rates of the main contributors to the sea-level rise are still debated [30], it is a matter of fact that most of the coasts of the world are undergoing the effects of the continuing sea-level rise. The vertical motion due to tectonic ef...