Spatially coupled serially concatenated codes (SC-SCCs) are constructed by coupling several classical turbo-like component codes. The resulting spatially coupled codes provide a close-to-capacity performance and low error floor, which have attracted a lot of interest in the past few years. The aim of this paper is to perform a comprehensive design space exploration to reveal different aspects of SC-SCCs, which is missing in the literature. More specifically, we investigate the effect of block length, coupling memory, decoding window size, and number of iterations on the decoding performance, complexity, latency, and throughput of SC-SCCs. To this end, we propose two decoding algorithms for the SC-SCCs: block-wise and windowwise decoders. For these, we present VLSI architectural templates and explore them based on building blocks implemented in 12 nm FinFET technology. Linking architectural templates with the new algorithms, we demonstrate various tradeoffs between throughput, silicon area, latency, and decoding performance.