extremamente inovadora para cefalópodes. Apesar de tratar-se de um campo ainda completamente inexplorado para o grupo, espera-se que esses resultados contribuam para a compreensão dos fatores responsáveis pela expressão sequencial de fenótipos alternativos e pela determinação do dimorfismo intrassexual em lulas.
AbstractSexual selection comprises a powerful force that intensively influences the reproductive success of each individual. Since its theoretical formulation in the nineteenth century, cumulative evidence regarding the existence of polyandry in females has expanded its initial concept, once it became clear that offspring paternity disputes were not limited to the competition for female access, but that they could in fact be prolonged even after copulation. In the 1970s, this male post-copulatory dispute was formalized under the concept of sperm competition, which aims at maximizing the success of one male's sperm over its competitors in the fertilization of females' eggs. Evidence gathered from a growing number of taxa has shown that intense pre and post-copulatory competition between males is also one of the responsible sources for the evolution and maintenance of alternative reproductive tactics within a species, in which males that are less successful in mate guarding and fighting contests with conspecifics adopt sneaking and opportunistic behaviors as a way to ensure some mating success. In many species, alternative mating tactics are not restricted to behavioral differences between males, being also related to a phenotypic diversity, with discontinuous morphological and physiological traits and distinct life histories between conspecifics, a phenomenon known as intrasexual dimorphism. In loliginid squids, the existence of alternative morphs (sneaker and consort males) has already been reported for several species, and it is has been correlated to behavioral differences, specially related to mating position and spermatophore deposition sites within the female's body. However, the association between alternative mating tactics and male intrasexual dimorphism is virtually unexplored, except for the species Heterololigo bleekeri, in which such dimorphism has been extensively studied over the last decade. In this context, the present Master's Dissertation aimed to investigate the existence of male intrasexual dimorphism in Doryteuthis plei (Blainville, 1823), a squid of commercial importance in southern and southeastern Brazil, and for which such dimorphism has never been investigated, although indirect evidence suggests its existence. Using morphological analyses and statistical models, the first chapter describes the presence of such dimorphism in the species, which was detected based on the identification of two body size classes of sexually mature males, characterized by spermatophores and spermatangia displaying discontinuous morphologies between each other.Moreover, spermatangia sampled from both body size classes were congruent with those implanted on distinct female sites, a result that allowed...