“…In our previous investigation, we observed that any alteration of the sequence 59-UCUCC-39 (nt 216-220, Fig+ 1) in the 264-nt capsid-encoding region of GLV mRNA resulted in a drastic reduction in luciferase expression in the transfected Giardia (Garlapati et al+, 2001)+ The loss of activity in two of the previously analyzed mutants, U216A/C217A and C219U/C220G, was not due to disruption of any identifiable stem-loop structure+ It was due to alteration of the specific sequence, suggesting that the latter is probably involved in base pairing with another sequence in the transcript (Garlapati et al+, 2001)+ A search in the 264-nt region by visual inspection revealed a sequence, 59-GGAGA-39, in the loop of stem-loop II (nt 154-158) that could form a Watson-Crick base pairing with the sequence 59-UCUCC-39 (Fig+ 1)+ To test this possibility, a compensatory mutation was introduced at G157U/A158U in the mutant U216A/C217A+ The double mutation resulted in a significant recovery of the luciferase activity from 4+9% to 41+0% of the wild-type level (Table 1)+ Compensatory mutations were also introduced at G154C/G155A to determine if they could complement the mutations C219U/C220G and C219U/C220G/ C229A/A230C (Table 1)+ The luciferase activity in mutant C219U/C220G was restored from 2+5% to 55+0%, whereas a 90% recovery of luciferase activity was achieved in mutant C219/C220G/C229A/A230C (Table 1)+ The mere partial recovery in the former case could be due to a competition between the unaltered C229/A230 and the altered C154/A155 in compensatory mutation to base pair with U219/G220, whereas this competition was absent in the latter case and thus resulted in a much enhanced recovery+ Two double substitutions, U216A/C217G and G157C/A158U, were shown to each result in a drastic loss of luciferase activity to 3+8% and 4+2% of the wild type (Table 1) Dam et al+, 1990Dam et al+, , 1992Hilbers et al+, 1998), this putative pseudoknot in our hands is similar to the classical H-type pseudoknot with only minor variations+ By the classical H-type pseudoknot structure, the stem in stem-loop II could be considered as the pseudoknot stem 1, whereas the stem structure generated by pairing the two pentanucleotides could be regarded as pseudoknot stem 2 (Fig+ 6)+ The part of loop II sequence immediately upstream from the pentanucleotide 59-GGAGA-39 could be taken as pseudoknot loop 1, whereas pseudoknot loop 2 spans 58 nt, including stem-loops III and IVA separated by an 10-nt singlestranded region (Fig+ 6)+ For the ease of discussion, the stem formed by the two pentanucleotides will be referred to as the pseudoknot stem and the rest of the stem structures will remain as previously designated (Garlapati et al+, 2001)+ Another possible explanation, that the two pentanucleotides may have formed a "kissing complex," is less likely, because the latter has been defined as a basepair formation between two hairpin loops (Chang & Tinoco, 1994)+ Whereas 59-GGAGA-39 constitutes a part of the loop in stem-loop II, 59-UCUCC-39 is located in a single-stranded region immediately downstream from stem-loop IVA (Garlapati et al+, 2001)+ A pseudoknot will be a more appropriate description of such a basepairing complex+…”