As the lateral resolution of full-field optical coherence tomography (FFOCT) with spatially incoherent illumination has been shown to be insensitive to aberrations, we demonstrate high-resolution en face FFOCT retinal imaging without wavefront correction in the human eye in vivo for the first time, to our knowledge. A combination of FFOCT with spectraldomain OCT (SDOCT) is applied for real-time matching of the optical path lengths (OPLs) of FFOCT. Through the realtime cross-sectional SDOCT images, the OPL of the FFOCT reference arm is matched with different retinal layers in the FFOCT sample arm. Thus, diffraction-limited FFOCT images of multiple retinal layers are acquired at both the near periphery and the fovea. The en face FFOCT retinal images reveal information about various structures, such as the nerve fiber orientation, the blood vessel distribution, and the photoreceptor mosaic. During its 25 years of development, optical coherence tomography (OCT) has become a powerful imaging modality in biomedical and clinical studies [1,2]. It has achieved great success in ophthalmology [3], especially in retinal imaging for which it has been entitled the "virtual biopsy" for human retina [4]. Compared with typical retinal imaging modalities like fundus cameras [5] or scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) [6], in which axial resolution is limited by the finite size of the eye's pupil, OCT offers much higher axial sectioning, as the lateral and axial resolutions are decoupled. The high-resolution cross-sectional depth exploration of the retinal layers offers important information about pathologies for early diagnosis of disease and for tracing disease evolution [7][8][9]. While doctors are capable of interpreting crosssectional OCT slices, there is nevertheless a need for en face views, as shown by the continued use of en face techniques such as fundus cameras or SLO. Thanks to the speed improvement, OCT systems can provide en face retinal images by doing real-time 3Dimaging [10][11][12]. Nevertheless, due to the requirement of large depth of focus, low NA is typically used in traditional OCT, resulting in relatively low spatial resolution compared with high-NA systems. To ensure high transverse resolution, en face flying spot OCT has been applied for human retinal imaging, which achieves retinal en face images with transverse scanning [13,14]. To be able to realize close to diffraction-limited lateral resolution in OCT retinal imaging, complex hardware adaptive optics (AO) [15][16][17][18][19] or computational AO [20][21][22] would also be needed to correct the aberrations induced by the imperfections of the cornea and lens in the anterior chamber.Full-field OCT (FFOCT) is a kind of time-domain en face parallel OCT that takes images perpendicular to the optical axis without scanning. By using high-NA microscope objectives in a Linnik interferometer, FFOCT is able to achieve standard microscope spatial resolution [23]. With spatially incoherent illumination, cross talk is severely inhibited in FFOCT compared with wide-...