Abstract. An n × n sign pattern S, which is a matrix with entries 0, +, −, is called spectrally arbitrary if any monic real polynomial of degree n can be realized as a characteristic polynomial of a matrix obtained by replacing the non-zero elements of S by numbers of the corresponding signs. A sign pattern S is said to be a superpattern of those matrices that can be obtained from S by replacing some of the non-zero entries by zeros. We develop a new technique that allows us to prove spectral arbitrariness of sign patterns for which the previously known Nilpotent Jacobian method does not work. Our approach leads us to solutions of numerous open problems known in the literature. In particular, we provide an example of a sign pattern S and its superpattern S ′ such that S is spectrally arbitrary but S ′ is not, disproving a conjecture proposed in 2000 by Drew, Johnson, Olesky, and van den Driessche.
ConjecturesThe study of spectra of matrix patterns deserved a significant amount of attention in recent publications. The conjecture mentioned in the abstract appeared in one of the foundational papers on this topic ([10]), and many subsequent works proved it in different special cases ([3, 7, 12, 14, 15]). One of the known sufficient conditions for superpatterns to be spectrally arbitrary is the Nilpotent Jacobian condition ([2, 10]), which allowed to solve several intriguing problems on this topic ([4, 11, 19]). Despite these efforts, the superpattern conjecture remained open by now, and we mention [5,17,18] as other recent work disussing this conjecture. [10].) If S is a minimal spectrally arbitrary sign pattern, then any superpattern of S is spectrally arbitrary.
Conjecture 1. (Conjecture 16 inWe note that this conjecture involves the concept of a minimal spectrally arbitrary sign pattern, that is, a sign pattern S which is spectrally arbitrary but is not a superpattern of any other spectrally arbitrary sign pattern. In our paper, we construct a sign pattern S and its superpattern S ′ such that S is spectrally arbitrary but S ′ is not. We do not investigate the question of minimality of S, but S is anyway a superpattern of some minimal spectrally arbitrary pattern S 0 , and the pair (S 0 , S ′ ) provides a counterexample to Conjecture 1 even if S is not minimal. As said above, the Nilpotent Jacobian condition is sufficient for a zero pattern (and every superpattern of it) to be spectrally arbitrary. Our results show that this condition is not necessary, answering the questions posed explicitly in [1,10,17].As a byproduct of our approach, we obtain solutions of two other related problems on the topic. Namely, we construct a sign pattern U such that diag(U, U ) is 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 15A18, 15B35.