4-Alkyl(Aryl)-i5-phosphorins; 1,4-Dihydrophosphorin/is-Phosphorin RearrangementThe 1 -R'-4-R-4-methoxy-l,4-dihydrophosphorins 11 -17, the 'H-and I3C-NMR spectra and stereochemistry of which are discussed, are formed by reaction of (1 Z , 42)-1,5-dilithio-3-R-3-methoxy-1,4-pentadienes 9 with R'PCI, [R' = aryl, alkyl, N(C2H5),, OC4H,, SC,H,] at -78°C. -Addition of catalytic amounts of acid causes rearrangement of the 1,4-dihydrophosphorins and yields the 1 -R'-l -methoxy-4-R-h5-phosphorins 23 -29 which represent the most simple derivatives of this class of compounds. -The mechanism of this 1 ,4-dihydrophosphorin/h5-phosphorin rearrangement has been studied; according to that a direct H '-catalyzed 1,4-migration of the methoxy group is assumed concerning the trans-isomers, while the 1 -R'-phosphorinium cations are intermediates in the case of the cis-isomers. -Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of the h5-phosphorins yields the 1 -Rt-4-R-1,2-dihydrophosphorin oxides 35. The 1 ,I -dimethoxy-4-R-h5-phosphorins 28 have been prepared by direct oxidative alkoxylation of the h3-phosphorins with Hg(0Ac)Jmet hanol.Im Gegensatz zurn Pyridin-Ringsystem besitzt das h3-Phosphorin-Ringsystem mit dreibindigem Phosphor [Koordinationszahl (K.-Z.) 21 die Fahigkeit, unter Aufweitung Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1981