DOI: 10.1126/science.1080944
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Spontaneous Cell Polarization Through Actomyosin-Based Delivery of the Cdc42 GTPase

Abstract: Cell polarization can occur in the absence of any spatial cues. To investigate the mechanism of spontaneous cell polarization, we used an assay in yeast where expression of an activated form of Cdc42, a Rho-type guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) required for cell polarization, could generate cell polarity without any recourse to a preestablished physical cue. The polar distribution of Cdc42 in this assay required targeted secretion directed by the actin cytoskeleton. A mathematical simulation showed that a sta… Show more

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Cited by 377 publications
(418 citation statements)
References 27 publications
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“…Rho1p is required for Bni1p-and Bnr1p-dependent cable assembly, at least at 37°C (Tolliday et al, 2002;Dong et al, 2003). Also, both rhoGTPases associate with secretory vesicles (Abe et al, 2003;Wedlich-Soldner et al, 2003). For endogenous Cdc42p and NH 2 -terminally HA-tagged Rho1p expressed from the RHO1 locus, actin cable disassembly in tpm1-2/tpm1-2 tpm2⌬/tpm2⌬ cells resulted in delocalization (Figure 9, A and B).…”
Section: Rho-gtpases Depend On Polarized Secretion For Bud Tipassociamentioning
confidence: 97%
“…Rho1p is required for Bni1p-and Bnr1p-dependent cable assembly, at least at 37°C (Tolliday et al, 2002;Dong et al, 2003). Also, both rhoGTPases associate with secretory vesicles (Abe et al, 2003;Wedlich-Soldner et al, 2003). For endogenous Cdc42p and NH 2 -terminally HA-tagged Rho1p expressed from the RHO1 locus, actin cable disassembly in tpm1-2/tpm1-2 tpm2⌬/tpm2⌬ cells resulted in delocalization (Figure 9, A and B).…”
Section: Rho-gtpases Depend On Polarized Secretion For Bud Tipassociamentioning
confidence: 97%
“…Visualization of Cdc42 localization during bud formation in yeast indicates that the bud site represents a zone of tightly localized, semi-stable Cdc42 activity. (27)(28)(29) Other examples may be found during exocytosis, endocytosis, phagocytosis, and cell locomotion, all of which entail semi-stable, spatially constrained regions of Rho GTPase activity. (30)(31)(32) These observations indicate that the Rho zones represent a widespread signaling mechanism harnessed in diverse cell types to assemble actomyosin-based arrays, differing in the overall geometric organization of the zones (Fig.…”
Section: Rho Gtpase Activity Zonesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Self-amplification has been described for Cdc42 activation during yeast bud site selection and may involve both direct modulation of Cdc42 by GEFs and GAPs or indirect modulation via actin-based transport. (28,29,42,61,62) Another plausible positive feedback mechanism can be proposed for the cytokinetic Rho zones. Accumulation of active Rho might activate PIP kinase, (63) thereby promoting the observed accumulation of active PIP2 in the furrow.…”
Section: Feedback and Crosstalkmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Experimental evidence and mathematical modelling implicate positive feedback between these elements. Thus, Cdc42 recruits the actin cytoskeleton and is itself delivered to the membrane via actin dependent transport and exocytosis, and this is sufficient to drive spontaneous cell polarity establishment [68]. Recent work demonstrates that the resulting polarized state is dynamic and its maintenance requires active recycling through processes such as endocytosis [70].…”
Section: The Core Process In the Establishment Of Cell Polaritymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Work in S. cerevisiae during the past several years has indeed revealed at least two intrinsic mechanisms for cell polarization without recourse to external signals [67][68][69] (Figure 1). One of these mechanisms is constituted by cyclic interactions between three core elements: the Cdc42 GTPase module, the actin-based transport system and exocytosis.…”
Section: The Core Process In the Establishment Of Cell Polaritymentioning
confidence: 99%