Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) is abundant in marine fish. Formaldehyde synthesis by TMAO demethylation during storage markedly deteriorates fish meat. In the present work, we cloned the extremely aspartic acidrich proteins from skeletal muscle of a commercially important species, walleye pollack, in the course of molecular identification of trimethylamine-N-oxide demethylase (TMAOase). One of the cDNAs, designated as aspolin1, encodes an extremely aspartic acid-rich protein of 228 amino acids which is converted to the TMAOase after processing between Ala 42 and Asp 43 . Mature aspolin1/TMAOase protein contains 179 Asp in 186 total amino acids. The other cDNA, designated as aspolin2, has a common nucleotide sequence with aspolin1 in the 5 part and encodes a protein which has an additional Asp polymer and a C-terminal cysteine-rich region. The amino acid sequence of the C-terminal cysteine-rich region of aspolin2 is highly homologous to the mammalian histidine-rich Ca 2؉ -binding protein. Aspolin1/TMAOase and aspolin2 mRNA was most abundant in the skeletal muscle. A lower level of the mRNA was also detected in kidney, heart, spleen, and brain. Synthetic Asp polymer showed marked TMAOase activity in the presence of Fe 2؉ , whereas a monomer and oligomers did not. Purified TMAOase protein bound to Fe 2؉ with low affinity, which may be responsible for the catalytic activity. Poly aspartic acid-Fe 2؉ complex generated after death would be involved in formaldehyde synthesis by the demethylation of TMAO during the storage of fish meat.
Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO)1 is widely distributed among various tissues of sea fish and invertebrates (1-3). Several physiological roles of TMAO in teleost have been proposed, i.e. osmoregulation, cryoprotectant, protection of proteins from high pressure, and disulfide formation (3). Gadoid fishes, including cod, pollack, hake, whiting, and haddock, are commercially important and contain large amounts of TMAO (30 -130 mmol/kg) in their muscle (1-3). In such species, TMAO is demethylated to dimethylamine (DMA) and formaldehyde during frozen storage (4, 5).(CH 3 ) 3 NO 3 (CH 3 ) 2 NH ϩ HCOH (Eq. 1)