We use confocal fluorescence microscopy to study the conformation of single DNA molecules endtethered to a solid substrate. The segment distribution z measured for chains with contour lengths 15:4 m L 59:4 m as a function of the distance from the substrate z can be scaled onto a master curve depending only on the scaled distance z=R g , in quantitative agreement with theoretical predictions for end-tethered polymers in a good solvent. The scaling of the radius of gyration R g L 0:57 0:05 shows the presence of excluded-volume interactions between the charged DNA segments. Independent measurements of R g from end-segment distributions are in good agreement with values obtained from the segment distributions and provide evidence that the radius of gyration of end-tethered chains in a good solvent is identical to that of the free chain.PACS numbers: 61.25. Hq, 82.35.Gh, 82.35.Rs, 83.80.Rs Polymers tethered to solid substrates have widespread technical applications, such as the stabilization of colloidal suspensions against coagulation, the protection of biosensors against unspecific binding, and for lubrication and adhesion [1][2][3][4]. The presence of an impenetrable substrate profoundly affects the conformation and segment distribution of a polymer chain with N segments that is attached to it by one of its ends at a tether surface density . When the interaction between monomers and substrate is repulsive, scaling theory for isolated end-tethered polymers predicts a depletion zone near the surface characterized by a segment distribution increasing as z z with the distance z from the substrate; here, is related to the critical (Flory) exponent by 1 ÿ = which in a good solvent ( 0:588 [5]) takes the value 0:7 [6]. At larger distances, the influence of the wall should become weaker, and the segment distribution can be expected to approach a maximum value R g N=R g given by the average segment density within the polymer layer whose height is approximately given by the radius of gyration R g of the free, unperturbed chain [6]. The slow increase of the segment distribution close to the substrate, together with its fast decay for distances z R g predicted by renormalization-group (RG) calculations [7] and computer simulations [8], suggests that the segment distribution of an end-tethered polymer in the low-density limit R 2 g 1 is strongly asymmetric, resembling the shape of a mushroom.Although this ''mushroom'' conformation of an isolated end-tethered polymer represents the simplest situation of a broken symmetry for polymer statistics, detailed experimental tests of the theoretical predictions for z in the low-density limit are lacking. Neutron reflectivity measurements on end-adsorbed diblock copolymers confirmed the existence of a depletion layer close to the surface and the RG prediction for the second moment of the segment distribution hz 2 i 2:16R 2 g [9,10]. However, the determination of the segment distribution z and radius of gyration R g of polymer mushrooms using neutron reflectivity is difficult since thi...