ABSTRAKSimulator penggunaan energi listrik sangat membantu dalam perencanaan pasokan listrik secara terus menerus atau perlu pemadaman bila terjadi gangguan. Agar kinerja pembangkit dapat kembali normal, bertahap, dan terencana akibat mengalami gangguan, maka digunakan metoda Load Shedding. Sistem otomasi dibutuhkan untuk merealisasikan metoda Load Shedding, dan melalui simulator dapat mengurangi resiko terhadap kerusakan bila langsung diimplementasikan. PLC digunakan untuk memprediksi beban saat load shedding, sedangkan SCADA digunakan untuk menampilkan prioritas dan status beban. Load shedding 1 adalah tindakan pelepasan beban bila pada salah satu genset mengalami gangguan, sedangkan Load shedding 2 bila pada kedua genset mengalami gangguan. Simulasi sistem load shedding 1 dan 2 berhasil dilakukan pelepasan beban secara otomatis. Setelah pelepasan beban, kapasitas beban yang ditanggung genset sesuai dengan prediksi dari PLC. Terdapat perbedaan hasil antara daya yang diprediksi secara perhitungan dan daya terukur, kemungkinan disebabkan beban masih belum steady saat data diambil.Kata kunci: Otomasi, Simulator, Sistem Load shedding, SCADA, PLC ABSTRACTSimulator of the use of electrical energy is very helpful in planning electricity supply continuously or needs to be suppressed if a disturbance occurs. In order for the generator performance to return to normal, gradual, and planned due to interference, the Load Shedding method is used. Automation systems are needed to realize the Load Shedding method, and through simulators can reduce the risk of damage if implemented immediately. PLC was used to predict load during load shedding, while SCADA was used to display priority and load status. Load shedding 1 was a load release action if one of the generator sets was disrupted, while Load shedding 2 if in both gensets were disrupted. Load system simulation of shedding 1 and 2 was successfully released by load automatically. After the load was released, the load capacity borne by the generator was in accordance with the predictions of the PLC., the load capacity borne by the generator was in accordance with the predictions of the PLC. There was a difference in results between the predicted power and measured power, possibly because the load was stillnot steady when the data was taken. Keywords: Automation, Simulator, Load Shedding System, SCADA, PLC