The use of Information Technology (IT) in State Vocational High School (SMK N) 4 Lubuklinggau city has not been greatly optimized. Similar deduction was obtained for existing learning facilities and media, despite wifi availability. Also, the motivation for learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically declined, due to poor IT literacy among teachers. This circumstance is possibly observed from the students’ attitudes in participating in online classes, using Google Classroom and WhatsApp platforms. The assessment commenced with a pre-test, followed by a training on strengthening IT literacy as well as the development of Google Classroom and Kahoot in online learning. Subsequently, independent assignments and evaluations were conducted. The results showed an acceptable performance, with materials on "Strengthening IT Literacy", "The Development of Google Classroom in Online Learning" and "The Development of Kahoot in Online Learning", reporting 81.30, 82.72 and 82.69% comprehension rate, respectively.