Computational studies of biological networks can help to identify components and wirings responsible for observed phenotypes. However, studying stochastic networks controlling many biological processes is challenging. Similar to Schrödinger's equation in quantum mechanics, the chemical master equation (CME) provides a basic framework for understanding stochastic networks. However, except for simple problems, the CME cannot be solved analytically. Here we use a method called discrete chemical master equation (dCME) to compute directly the full steady-state probability landscape of the lysogeny maintenance network in phage lambda from its CME. Results show that wild-type phage lambda can maintain a constant level of repressor over a wide range of repressor degradation rate and is stable against UV irradiation, ensuring heritability of the lysogenic state. Furthermore, it can switch efficiently to the lytic state once repressor degradation increases past a high threshold by a small amount. We find that beyond bistability and nonlinear dimerization, cooperativity between repressors bound to O R 1 and O R 2 is required for stable and heritable epigenetic state of lysogeny that can switch efficiently. Mutants of phage lambda lack stability and do not possess a high threshold. Instead, they are leaky and respond to gradual changes in degradation rate. Our computation faithfully reproduces the hair triggers for UVinduced lysis observed in mutants and the limitation in robustness against mutations. The landscape approach computed from dCME is general and can be applied to study broad issues in systems biology.B acteriophage lambda is a virus that infects Escherichia coli cells. It has served as a model system for studying regulatory networks and for engineering gene circuits (1-5). Of central importance is the molecular circuitry that controls phage lambda to choose between two productive modes of development, namely, the lysogenic state and the lytic state (Fig 1A). In the lysogenic state, phage lambda represses its developmental function, integrates its DNA into the chromosome of the host E. coli bacterium, and is replicated in cell cycles for potentially many generations. When threatening DNA damage occurs, phage lambda switches from the epigenetic state of lysogeny to the lytic state and undergoes massive replications in a single cell cycle, releases 50-100 progeny phages upon lysis of the E. coli cell. This switching process is called prophage induction (5).The molecular network that controls the choice between these two different physiological states has been studied extensively during the past 40 y (5-9). All of the major molecular components of the network have been identified, binding constants and reaction rates characterized, and there is a good experimental understanding of the general mechanism of the molecular switch (5). Theoretical studies have also contributed to the illumination of the central role of stochasticity (3) and the stability of lysogen against spontaneous switching (4, 10). With the advent o...