This research aimed to identify stakeholders in community-based ecotourism development to get description on stakeholders" potential resource, role, interest, and intervention strategy to support the successful ecotourism in Gedong Hamlet (G-Pass).This study was a descriptive qualitative research with case study approach. Informants, selected using purposive sampling technique, consisted of stakeholders including NGO and Gedong Hamlet citizens, related local government institution; non-profit institution and business institution interested in Gedong Hamlet ecotourism development. Data collection was carried out using observation, in-depth interview, FGD, and documentation study; qualitative data analysis using interactive model of analysis encompassing data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing (Miles and Huberman, 1992). Stakeholders were identified using Freeman"s (1984) classification and stakeholder analysis was conducted using Eden and Eckerman"s (in Bryson,2004 ) analysis technique. The result of research showed that key stakeholders (village and local government institution) having legal authority have not undertaken their both institution and human resource reinforcing functions legally well. Capacity developing function of Gedong Hamlet has been undertaken more by civil society including UNS" Study Service Students and facilitator. Business institutions have not been involved widely. This research recommended a community development model as strategy to develop G-Pass ecotourism.