The aging process is a degenerative process that will have an impact on physical, cognitive, spiritual, and psychosocial changes. Changes that arise are psychological stressors in the elderly which result in psychological problems in the form of depression. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of laughter therapy on the level of depression in the elderly at Local Goverment Pesanggrahan Majapahit Mojokerto. The research design used was a pre-experimental design with a One-Group Pre-Post Test Design. The total population of elderly living in the orphanage is 30 people so a sample of 12 elderly people is obtained which is taken by purposive sampling. The independent variable is laughter therapy and the dependent variable is the level of depression in the elderly. Data were collected using a questionnaire used before and after laughter therapy. After all the data was collected, data processing was carried out and continued with the Wilcoxonsigntest statistical test with the help of SPSS, the results of the study showed an asymp.sig (2-tailed) value of 0.003 and α of 0.05. Because of the value of asymp.sig (2-tailed) < α 0.05, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, which means there is a difference in the decrease in the level of depression in the elderly after giving laughter therapy. In some elderly depression is a psychological problem that will affect their quality of life. The elderly often need psychological intervention to treat depression. Laughter therapy is an effective therapy because by giving laughter therapy the elderly can develop communication skills and increase intimacy in relationships with fellow elderly.