Recombinant ␣ 2  2 tetrameric Hb expressed and assembled in Escherichia coli has been characterized extensively. Electrospray mass spectrometry and optical and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy suggest that the overexpressed protein is identical to native human Hb. Although the functional properties of this recombinant Hb are nearly identical to native Hb, crucial differences exist between the two molecules. The recombinant Hb expressed in E. coli has a lower Hill coefficient even though oxygen equilibrium binding studies indicate cooperative binding. The most significant difference observed between the recombinant and native Hb is the loss of oxygen affinity regulation by 2,3-diphosphoglyerate and protons. CO binding to the deoxy tetramer was found to be biphasic with both phases sensitive to the presence of allosteric effectors. The recombinant chains were isolated, and the ligand binding properties demonstrated that the recombinant chains behave in a similar fashion to native ␣ ؊sh and  ؊sh . To investigate whether the chains were capable of forming a well behaved tetramer, the isolated chains were reassembled into a tetramer and purified to homogeneity. Oxygen binding properties of the reassembled recombinant Hb now show an increased Hill coefficient of 2.5, close to, but still slightly lower than, that observed for native Hb. Additionally, reassembly of recombinant Hb produces a protein that is subject to regulation by allosteric effectors. Furthermore, CO binding to the reassembled recombinant deoxy tetramer was found to be monophasic under all conditions. Hb has long been studied as a model compound for many biochemical phenomena and continues to be the object of intense work to elucidate the molecular details of protein-protein recognition, allosteric regulation, ligand binding and dynamics, spectroscopy, energetics of cooperativity, and structure-function relationships (1-3). X-ray structures of liganded (R), unliganded (T) states, and with several intermediate species have been solved to high resolution and have provided much information on the detailed characterization of the mechanism of action by Hb (4 -7). In addition to mechanistic and structurefunction studies, Hb has grown in popularity for use in clinical applications as a potential blood substitute (8). These efforts, along with the possibility of engineering specific and novel properties into the molecule, have prompted the development of many recombinant Hb expression systems. We have investigated a purified recombinant human Hb using a coexpression system in Escherichia coli (9) in order to determine whether a completely assembled recombinant tetrameric Hb constitutively expressed in E. coli is fully functional.The first expression of individual human Hb chains in E. coli was reported by Nagai and Thøgerson (10). Their expression system involved producing -globin as an insoluble fusion protein, which was solubilized, purified, and cleaved with factor X a to produce the correct N terminus. The -globin was then reconstituted an...