At convergent margins, marine sediments deposited seaward of the subduction zone forearc on the incoming plate (the "subduction inputs") represent the initial condition for geomechanical processes during subduction. The frictional strength of these sediments is a key parameter governing deformation during subduction, which is controlled to first order by lithologic composition. We combine here the results of laboratory friction experiments and quantification of mineral assemblage for scientific drilling samples recovered from three particularly well-studied subduction zones: the Nankai Trough (southwestern Japan), the Japan Trench (northeastern Japan), and Costa Rica. In the Japan Trench, frictionally weak smectite-rich pelagic clay contrasts sharply with stronger, more siliceous hemipelagic material. This strength contrast dictates the stratigraphic position of initial plate boundary formation and influences slip behavior of the shallow megathrust. In the Costa Rica subduction zone, relatively weak clay-rich hemipelagic sediment overlies frictionally strong pelagic nannofossil oozes and chalks, which could be a factor for the development of features such as a small amount of offscraping near the toe and subduction erosion where ooze or chalk dominates. In the Nankai Trough, however, a wide range of frictional strength values is observed that does not correlate with clay mineral content. In this case, mechanical behavior at Nankai is likely influenced by other factors related to diagenesis or fluid overpressuring.