The first corrugated metal culvert passed through the Joongang expressway was constructed in 1990s as an agricultural underpass, which uses a passage for agricultural equipments. After the passage, many flexible corrugated metal culverts with spans larger than 3 m have been used as agricultural drainage structures and underpasses for many years in Korea and the usage of these structures is gradually increased due to construction of expressways and local ways passed over wide plains and agricultural farmlands. According to the Korea Expressway Corporation (KEC) inventory, about 10% (about 100 culverts) of existing culverts crossing over expressways are used as agricultural underpasses and drainage structures. Most culverts used for agricultural drainages and underpasses are pipes, pipe- One of the failure criteria is the soil failure due to the induced shear and dilation in the soil. Although the provisions for the minimum cover design are determined to avoid the problems associated with soil failure, these requirements are originally empirical (Hafaz and AbdelSayed, 1983). Many researchers (Kim et al., 2009, AbdelSayed andSalib, 2002; Hafez, 1981) have tried to find the minimum cover depth based on the finite element programs like CANDE and ABAQUS. However, the existing literature, to our knowledge, contains little information on the minimum cover depth based on the analytical approaches. Culverts have different soil cover depths over the culvert crown and are subjected to different loading conditions. Pressure due to the load application on road decreases as the soil cover depth increases. However, if the cover depth is very shallower and not enough to support the external design load, it might cause the soil and culvert failure. Currently, requirements to determine the minimum