The demand for carbon
fibers (CFs) based on renewable raw materials
as the reinforcing fiber in composites for lightweight applications
is growing. Lignin–cellulose precursor fibers (PFs) are a promising
alternative, but so far, there is limited knowledge of how to continuously
convert these PFs under industrial-like conditions into CFs. Continuous
conversion is vital for the industrial production of CFs. In this
work, we have compared the continuous conversion of lignin–cellulose
PFs (50 wt % softwood kraft lignin and 50 wt % dissolving-grade kraft
pulp) with batchwise conversion. The PFs were successfully stabilized
and carbonized continuously over a total time of 1.0–1.5 h,
comparable to the industrial production of CFs from polyacrylonitrile.
CFs derived continuously at 1000 °C with a relative stretch of
−10% (fiber contraction) had a conversion yield of 29 wt
%, a diameter of 12–15 μm, a Young’s modulus of
46–51 GPa, and a tensile strength of 710–920 MPa.
In comparison, CFs obtained at 1000 °C via batchwise conversion
(12–15 μm diameter) with a relative stretch of 0% and
a conversion time of 7 h (due to the low heating and cooling rates)
had a higher conversion yield of 34 wt %, a higher Young’s
modulus (63–67 GPa) but a similar tensile strength (800–920
MPa). This suggests that the Young’s modulus can be improved
by the optimization of the fiber tension, residence time, and temperature
profile during continuous conversion, while a higher tensile strength
can be achieved by reducing the fiber diameter as it minimizes the
risk of critical defects.