Summary -Reverse-phase high performance Iiquid chromatograhy lollowed by N-terminal microsequencing performed directly on each peak collected, has provided a comprehensive survey 01 six individual human milk protein Iractions. Sequencing 01 tryptic peptides arising lrom a putative Us1-casein Iraction identifies sequences showing some similarity with uS1-casein lrom other species. Ordering 01 these tryptic peptides and linally deciphering 01 the human uS1-casein amino acid sequence was achieved alter cloning and sequencing 01 the relevant cD NA, amplilied by reverse transcription-polyme rase chain reaction starting Irom mRNA extracted lrom mammary epithelial cells harvested lrom breast milk. Shorter th an its ruminant counterparts (170 vs 199 amino acid residues) the human uS1-casein displays very low similarities with us1-caseins known so lar, very Iikely owing to combinatory splicing processes, characteristic lor each species, as weil as to genomic rearrangements. It is elsewhere distinguishable by the presence 01 three cysteinyl residues. Multiple lorms 01 uS1-casein messengers were identified lrom each individual mRNA sample studied, strongly suggesting, therelore, a differential splicing lrom a single primary transcript. Finally, we provide delinite evidence lor the existence 01 a lunctional us1-Cas locus in the human genome, which is expressed in the mammary tissue during lactation. breast milk / RP-HPLC / human us1-casein 1 RT-PCR 1 cDNA 1 sequence Résumé -Le gène spécifiant la caséine Us1 est exprimé dans les cellules épithéliales mammaires humaines pendant la lactation.