A: Na is confirmed. Both compounds classify as small band-gap semiconductors. The Ca-containing compound possibly exhibits an insulator-metal transition near 700 K. While Ti-Ti bonding is of minimal importance in NaTi 2 O 4 , the Ti atoms in CaTi2O4 are weakly dimerized at room temperature. -(GESELBRACHT*, M. J.; ERICKSON, A. S.; ROGGE, M. P.; GREEDAN, J. E.; WALTON, R. I.; STOLTZFUS, M. W.; ENG, H. W.; WOODWARD, P. M.; J. Solid State Chem. 179 (2006) 11, 3489-3499; Dep. Chem., Reed Coll., Portland, OR 97202, USA; Eng.) -W. Pewestorf 01-013