In the Nationally Determined Contribution document (NDC), Indonesia has a target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions of 29% on its own capability and 41% with international assistance by 2030, and plans to initiate action to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 as outlined in the Long-term Strategy for Low Carbon and Climate Resilience (LTS-LCCR) 2050 document. Mangrove forest ecosystems can absorb carbon emissions 4-5 times greater than terrestrial forests, are used as one of source to achieve Indonesia’s NDC and LTS-LCCR targets. Mangrove forest is also as a barrier to coastal abrasion. Mangrove forests can be damaged by natural cause and also due to human activities. Socialization of its importance and improving the economic community welfare around mangrove forests are important factors to prevent damage and maintain its sustainability. The improving economic community efforts can be carried out by applying mitigation-adaptation actions/economic activities of the community. This activity aims to analyse the barrier and challenges in preserving and restoring, as well as rehabilitating the mangrove forests ecosystem in the Indramayu and Brebes regencies. The data obtained from field surveys while the methodology for barrier analysis refers to the methodology that has been used in the preparation of Indonesia’s Climate Change mitigation and adaptation Technology Action Plans (TAPs) documents. The barrier analysis includes regulatory/policy, technical, financial, coordination, and social and/or institutional barrier aspects. These barriers have been analysed, mapped and identified, then causal relations of the barriers have been carried out and identified. Then the cross-cutting issued/integrated the measures of both issues and prioritized the cross-cutting issued can be determined.