Background: To determine the prevalence of indigestible foreign bodies in rumen-reticulum of cattle. Identify the types and the common diseases associated with their occurrence. 289 cattle were examined at Batna (Algeria) municipal abattoir.
Methods: About 289 cattle were examined immediately after slaughtering to determine the presence or absence of the foreign bodies in their rumen-reticulum and different lesions were recorded.
Result: From total of 289 cattle examined 151 (52.24%) were found positive for various types of foreign bodies in their rumen and/or reticulum. From each 56 (19.37%) and 95 (52.24%) were positive for vulnerable bodies and non-vulnerable foreign bodies respectively. The types of foreign bodies detected were: wire segments, needles, nails, hair clips, coins, corks, ropes, cloth, pebbles, sand, glass pieces, trichobezoar, plastic bags. The plastics were the most common found in 61 (23.92%) males and 34 (79.06%) females. The most common lesions in rumen of cattle with Foreign bodies were traumatic reticuloperitonitis, perirecticular abscess, esophageal obstruction, non penetrating reticulum and/or ruminal foreign bodies were respectively 3.79%, 12.65%, 1.26% and 82.27%. The study revealed that the plastics in rumen my play an important role in the pathologenesis of cattle.