Abstract. Potential sources of a priori ozone (O3) profiles for use in
Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) satellite
tropospheric O3 retrievals are evaluated with observations from
multiple Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) systems in North America.
An O3 profile climatology (tropopause-based O3 climatology
(TB-Clim), currently proposed for use in the TEMPO O3 retrieval
algorithm) derived from ozonesonde observations and O3 profiles from
three separate models (operational Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS-5)
Forward Processing (FP) product, reanalysis product from Modern-era
Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications version 2 (MERRA2), and
the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model (CTM)) were: (1) evaluated with TOLNet
measurements on various temporal scales (seasonally, daily, and hourly) and
(2) implemented as a priori information in theoretical TEMPO tropospheric
O3 retrievals in order to determine how each a priori impacts the
accuracy of retrieved tropospheric (0–10 km) and lowermost tropospheric
(LMT, 0–2 km) O3 columns. We found that all sources of a priori
O3 profiles evaluated in this study generally reproduced the vertical
structure of summer-averaged observations. However, larger differences
between the a priori profiles and lidar observations were calculated when
evaluating inter-daily and diurnal variability of tropospheric O3.
The TB-Clim O3 profile climatology was unable to replicate observed
inter-daily and diurnal variability of O3 while model products, in
particular GEOS-Chem simulations, displayed more skill in reproducing these
features. Due to the ability of models, primarily the CTM used in this study,
on average to capture the inter-daily and diurnal variability of tropospheric
and LMT O3 columns, using a priori profiles from CTM simulations
resulted in TEMPO retrievals with the best statistical comparison with lidar
observations. Furthermore, important from an air quality perspective, when
high LMT O3 values were observed, using CTM a priori profiles
resulted in TEMPO LMT O3 retrievals with the least bias. The
application of near-real-time (non-climatological) hourly and daily model
predictions as the a priori profile in TEMPO O3 retrievals will be
best suited when applying this data to study air quality or event-based
processes as the standard retrieval algorithm will still need to use a
climatology product. Follow-on studies to this work are currently being
conducted to investigate the application of different CTM-predicted
O3 climatology products in the standard TEMPO retrieval algorithm.
Finally, similar methods to those used in this study can be easily applied by
TEMPO data users to recalculate tropospheric O3 profiles provided
from the standard retrieval using a different source of a priori.