The superconducting pairing state of LaPt4Ge12 is studied by measuring the magnetic penetration depth λ(T, B) and the superfluid density ρs(T ) using a tunnel-diode-oscillator (TDO)-based method and by transverse field muon-spin rotation (µSR) spectroscopy. λ(T ) follows an exponential-type temperature dependence at T ≪ Tc, but its zero-temperature value λ(0) increases linearly with magnetic field. Detailed analyses demonstrate that both λ(T ) and the corresponding ρs(T ), measured in the Meissner state by the TDO method are well described by a two-gap γ model with gap sizes of ∆1(0) = 1.31kB Tc and ∆2(0) = 1.80kB Tc and a very weak interband coupling. In contrast, ρs(T ), derived from the µSR data taken in a small field, can be fitted by a single-gap BCS model with a gap close to ∆2(0). We conclude that LaPt4Ge12 is a marginal two-gap superconductor and the small gap ∆1 seems to be destroyed by a small magnetic field. In comparison, in PrPt4Ge12 the 4f -electrons may enhance the interband coupling and, therefore, give rise to more robust multiband superconductivity.The discovery of superconductivity (SC) in a series of Pr-based skutterudite compounds, i.e., PrT 4 X 12 (T =Fe, Ru, Os, and X =pnicogen), has attracted considerable interests. Despite of intensive investigations in the physical properties of these compounds, their superconducting order parameter and, therefore, the pairing mechanism remain highly controversial [1]: nodal SC was evidenced in some of these compounds, while conventional BCS SC was recognized in others. Even for the same compound, most prominently, the heavy-fermion superconductor PrOs 4 Sb 12 , the gap symmetry is still under debate. Here, the early measurements provided evidence of point nodes with a possible triplet pairing state for PrOs 4 Sb 12 [2][3][4]. With improving sample homogeneity and lowering the accessible temperatures, recent measurements of thermal conductivity demonstrated that PrOs 4 Sb 12 belongs to multiband superconductors [5,6]. Exploration of other filled skutterudite superconductors may help to elucidate the superconducting pairing state and the question of its universality.