The temperature (T ) and magnetic field (H) dependence of the magnetic penetration depth, λ(T, H), in Ca(Al0.5Si0.5)2 exhibits significant deviation from that expected for conventional BCS superconductors. In particular, it is inferred from a field dependence of λ(H) (∝ H) at 2.0 K that the quasiparticle excitation is strongly enhanced by the Doppler shift. This suggests that the superconducting order parameter in Ca(Al0.5Si0.5)2 is characterized by a small energy scale ∆S/kB ≤ 2 K originating either from anisotropy or multi-gap structure.KEYWORDS: Ca(Al0.5Si0.5)2, superconductivity, penetration depth, flux line lattice, µSR, Since the discovery of binary intermetallic compound superconductor MgB 2 (T c =39 K), 1 the origin of pair correlation leading to such high critical temperature has been drawing much interest. Up to now, a majority of experiments as well as theories suggests that the pair correlation is mediated by a strong electron-phonon interaction, where the relatively high T c is explained by the light mass of the two-dimensional honeycomb layer formed by B atoms. The two-dimensional feature is also preferable for the strong electron-phonon interaction, and thereby the AlB 2 -type crystal structure common to MgB 2 is currently attracting attention as a possible basis for developing new superconductors.In binary silicides, ThSi 2 , 2 USi 2 , 3 and several rareearth metal disilicides have the AlB 2 -type structure. β-ThSi 2 is known to be a superconductor with a critical temperature T c =2.41 K.4 Above 16 GPa, CaSi 2 takes a AlB 2 -like structure, and it becomes superconducting with T c =14 K.5 Recently, a new ternary silicide, Sr(Ga,Si) 2 , which also has the AlB 2 -type structure, was reported to be a superconductor with T c =3.4 K, 6 stimulating active investigation of analogous compounds. In this class of materials, ternary silicide Ca(Al 0.5 Si 0.5 ) 2 has the highest critical temperature T c =7.7 K.7 It is reported on this compound that the behavior of electron-heat capacity deviates from that of the BCS-type, and that the effect of hydrostatic pressure on T c is positive.8 Unfortunately, despite various experiments so far, there is very little known on the structure of superconducting order parameter in Ca(Al 0.5 Si 0.5 ) 2 .In this paper, we report the quasiparticle excitation in the flux line lattice (FLL) state of Ca(Al 0.5 Si 0.5 ) 2 studied by muon spin rotation (µSR). The magnetic penetration depth λ, which reflects the quasiparticle excitation, can be determined by µSR due to the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field distribution in the FLL state. We show the temperature (T ) and magnetic field (H) dependence of λ in polycrystalline sample of Ca(Al 0.5 Si 0.5 ) 2 . Our result indicates that λ is proportional to T 3 at low temperature, and that it exhibits a steep increase with almost linear dependence on the applied magnetic field. These findings strongly suggest that Ca(Al 0.5 Si 0.5 ) 2 has an anisotropic order parameter or a multi-gap structure with a band having a small gap energy, which...