A theoretical framework is proposed to derive a dynamic equation motion for rectilinear dislocations within isotropic continuum elastodynamics. The theory relies on a recent dynamic extension of the Peierls-Nabarro equation, so as to account for core-width generalized stacking-fault energy effects. The degrees of freedom of the solution of the latter equation are reduced by means of the collective-variable method, well-known in soliton theory, which we reformulate in a way suitable to the problem at hand. Through these means, two coupled governing equations for the dislocation position and core width are obtained, which are combined into one single complex-valued equation of motion, of compact form. The latter equation embodies the history dependence of dislocation inertia. It is employed to investigate the motion of an edge dislocation under uniform time-dependent loading, with focus on the subsonic/transonic transition. Except in the steady-state supersonic range of velocities-which the equation does not address-our results are in good agreement with atomistic simulations on tungsten. In particular, we provide an explanation for the transition, showing that it is governed by a loading-dependent dynamic critical stress. The transition has the character of a delayed bifurcation. Moreover, various quantitative predictions are made, that could be tested in atomistic simulations. Overall, this work demonstrates the crucial role played by core-width variations in dynamic dislocation motion.