This paper introduces a new extension of Riemannian elastic curve matching to a general class of geometric structures, which we call (weighted) shape graphs, that allows for shape registration with partial matching constraints and topological inconsistencies. Weighted shape graphs are the union of an arbitrary number of component curves in Euclidean space with potential connectivity constraints between some of their boundary points, together with a weight function defined on each component curve. The framework of higher order invariant Sobolev metrics is particularly well suited for retrieving notions of distances and geodesics between unparametrized curves. The main difficulty in adapting this framework to the setting of shape graphs is the absence of topological consistency, which typically results in an inadequate search for an exact matching between two shape graphs. We overcome this hurdle by defining an inexact variational formulation of the matching problem between (weighted) shape graphs of any underlying topology, relying on the convenient measure representation given by varifolds to relax the exact matching constraint. We then prove the existence of minimizers to this variational problem when we have Sobolev metrics of sufficient regularity and a total variation (TV) regularization on the weight function. We propose a numerical optimization approach to solve the problem, which adapts the smooth FISTA algorithm to deal with TV norm minimization and allows us to reduce the matching problem to solving a sequence of smooth unconstrained minimization problems. We finally illustrate the capabilities of our new model through several examples showcasing its ability to tackle partially observed and topologically varying data.