The publication is the result of cooperation between researchers and teachers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary as part of the project titled “The V4 Humanities Education for the Climate. Diagnoses – Best Practices – Recommendations” (VF 22020071) coordinated by the Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Humanistic Education at the University of Silesia in Katowice. The publication aims to present the issues of climate change and the idea of reformulating the tasks of contemporary humanities in the V4 countries and the world. The chapters address the issues related to the interdisciplinary perspective in academic and school environmental education and present a wide range of its implementation: from the theory of ecodidactics at both university and school level, through educational research, teaching concepts, eco-transformations in education, new methodologies, to examples of good practice (in the form of lesson plans, eco-activity or presentations of implemented projects).