We present two approaches to the dynamics of a quench-induced phase transition in the quantum Ising model. One follows the standard treatement of thermodynamic second order phase transitions but applies it to the quantum phase transitions. The other approach is quantum, and uses LandauZener formula for transition probabilities in avoided level crossings. We show that predictions of the two approaches of how the density of defects scales with the quench rate are compatible, and discuss the ensuing insights into the dynamics of quantum phase transitions.PACS numbers: 03. 05.70.Fh, 73.43.Nq, 75.10.Jm Studies of phase transitions traditionally focussed on equilibrium scalings of various properties near the critical point. The first major exception was an attempt to model the physics of the early Universe: Kibble [1] noted that cosmological phase transitions in a variety of field theoretic models lead to formation of topological defects (such as monopoles or cosmic strings) which may have observable consequences. One of us then pointed out [2] that analogues of cosmological phase transitions can be studied in the laboratory. In such experiments the equilibrium critical scalings predict various aspects of the non-equilibrium dynamics of symmetry breaking, including the density of residual topological defects [2,3].These ideas led to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM), a theory of defect formation that uses the critical scalings of the relaxation time and of the healing length to deduce size (ξ) of domains that choose the same "broken symmetry vacuum" [3,4]. When the broken symmetry phase permits their existence, KZM predicts defects will appear with density of about one defect unit (e.g., one monopole or aξ-sized section of a string) perξ-sized domain. This KZM prediction has been tested, extended and refined with the help of numerical simulations [5,6], and verified in a variety of increasingly sophisticated and reliable experiments in liquid crystals [7,8], superfluids [9, 10, 11], superconductors [12, 13, 14], and other systems [15].A majority of the experimental data agree with KZM. One notable exception is the case of superfluid 4He, where initial reports of KZM vortices being detected [9] were retracted [10] after it turned out that stirring had inadvertently induced vorticity. In view of various uncertainties, it is still not clear whether 4He experiments are at odds with the numerics-assisted KZM predictions. Regardless, KZM provides a theory of the dynamics of second order phase transitions ranging from low temperature Bose-Einstein condensation to grand unification scales encountered in particle physics and cosmology.In this paper we consider a barely explored problem: the dynamics of quantum phase transitions. Quantum many-body systems (e.g., Bose gases) can undergo thermodynamic phase transformation (such as Bose-Einstein condensation that follows evaporative cooling). KZM theory, developed to deal with thermodynamic phase transitions, applies in this case directly, even though the dynamics of Bose cond...