The Raman spectra of solutions of TeCl, in HCl up to 12 mol 1-' show a changing pattern of bands consistent with a mixture of complexes, including [TeC1,I2-and [TeCl,(OH)]-. High-field '"Te NMR spectra at 126.24 MHz of these aqueous solutions consist of a single band, showing that the TeIV species are in rapid equilibrium, which moves upfield within the range + 1550 to + 1400 ppm as the HCl concentration is increased. Solvent extraction with diethyl ether selects a single species from TeIV-HC1 solutions. This is identified as the complex acid HTeCl,(OH) by a Raman spectrum marked by v,(Te-Cl) = 289 cm-' and v ( T 4 ) = 667 cm-', and a characteristic '"Te resonance, 6 = 1448 ppm, wli2 = 80 Hz.