. Dissociation between skeletal muscle microvascular PO 2 and hypoxia-induced microvascular inflammation. J Appl Physiol 94: 2323-2329, 2003. First published February 21, 2003 10.1152/japplphysiol.01185. 2002 produces microvascular inflammation in mesenteric, cremasteric, and pial microcirculations. In anesthetized rats, SHx lowers arterial blood pressure (MABP), which may alter microvascular blood flow and microvascular PO 2 (PmO 2 ) and influence SHx-induced leukocyte-endothelial adherence (LEA). These experiments attempted to determine the individual contributions of the decreases in PmO 2 , venular blood flow and shear rate, and MABP to the hypoxia-induced increase in LEA. Cremaster microcirculation of anesthetized rats was visualized by intravital microscopy. PmO 2 was measured by a phosphorescencequenching method. SHx [inspired PO2 of 70 Torr for 10 min, MABP of 65 Ϯ 3 mmHg, arterial PO2 (PaO 2 ) of 33 Ϯ 1 Torr] and cremaster ischemia (MABP of 111 Ϯ 7 mmHg, PaO 2 of 86 Ϯ 3 Torr) produced similar PmO 2 : 7 Ϯ 2 and 6 Ϯ 2 Torr, respectively. However, LEA increased only in SHx (1.9 Ϯ 0.9 vs. 11.2 Ϯ 1.1 leukocytes/100 m, control vs. SHx, P Ͻ 0.05). Phentolamine-induced hypotension (MABP of 55 Ϯ 4 mmHg) in normoxia lowered PmO 2 to 26 Ϯ 6 Torr but did not increase LEA. Cremaster equilibration with 95% N2-5% CO2 during air breathing (PaO 2 of 80 Ϯ 1 Torr) lowered PmO 2 to 6 Ϯ 1 Torr but did not increase LEA. On the other hand, when cremaster PmO 2 was maintained at 60-70 Torr during SHx (PaO 2 of 35 Ϯ 1 Torr), LEA increased from 2.1 Ϯ 1.1 to 11.1 Ϯ 1.5 leukocytes/100 m (P Ͻ 0.05). The results show a dissociation between PmO 2 and LEA and support the idea that SHx results in the release of a mediator responsible for the inflammatory response.leukocyte-endothelial interactions; cremaster muscle; microcirculation; ischemia; local hypoxia; tissue PO2 SYSTEMIC HYPOXIA RESULTS IN a rapid microvascular inflammatory response characterized by increases in microvascular reactive O 2 species (ROS) (19,20,24) and in venular leukocyte-endothelial adhesive interactions (26). Rats studied after exposure to 4 h of hypoxia in the conscious state show emigration of leukocytes to the perivascular space and elevated vascular permeability (25). The inflammatory response to hypoxia has been studied predominantly in the mesenteric microcirculation (19-21, 24-26) but has also been observed in venules of the cerebral and cremaster microcirculations (6), indicating that it is a widespread phenomenon. The microvascular lesion eventually resolves; after 3 wk of acclimatization to hypoxia, there is no evidence of leukocyte adherence or emigration in mesentery (26) or cremaster microcirculations (6), and the animals tolerate further reductions in inspired PO 2 without evidence of microvascular inflammation.Although the early response to hypoxia has common features with ischemia-reperfusion, their patterns are quite different and demonstrate that hypoxia and ischemia-reperfusion-induced microvascular inflammation are two distinct phenomena: ...