Biometric systems are exposed to spoofing attacks which may compromise their security, and voice biometrics based on automatic speaker verification (ASV), is no exception. To increase the robustness against such attacks, anti-spoofing systems have been proposed for the detection of replay, synthesis and voice conversion-based attacks. However, most proposed antispoofing techniques are loosely integrated with the ASV system. In this work, we develop a new integration neural network which jointly processes the embeddings extracted from ASV and antispoofing systems in order to detect both zero-effort impostors and spoofing attacks. Moreover, we propose a new loss function based on the minimization of the area under the expected (AUE) performance and spoofability curve (EPSC), which allows us to optimize the integration neural network on the desired operating range in which the biometric system is expected to work. To evaluate our proposals, experiments were carried out on the recent ASVspoof 2019 corpus, including both logical access (LA) and physical access (PA) scenarios. The experimental results show that our proposal clearly outperforms some well-known techniques based on the integration at the score-and embeddinglevel. Specifically, our proposal achieves up to 23.62% and 22.03% relative equal error rate (EER) improvement over the best performing baseline in the LA and PA scenarios, respectively, as well as relative gains of 27.62% and 29.15% on the AUE metric.Index Terms-Automatic speaker verification (ASV), spoofing detection, embeddings, integration of ASV and anti-spoofing, expected performance and spoofability curve (EPSC).