Reviewing the development and history of sutures used in surgery is the goal of the study. Based on a review of the literature, we identified pertinent papers and surgical textbooks regarding suture for wound closure using computerised and manual database searches. The essay explores those earliest known applications of suture by Edwin Smith surgical papyrus and after that the name suture comes from Latin term was first used by Hippocrates in 400 BC. He used linen as suture material. The development of sutures made of natural materials is traced chronologically up to the present, when synthetic sutures are used in an increasing number of daily surgeries. In this millennium, long history of sutures, the early work of Edwin smith, Hippocrates, Sushruta, Galen, Albucasis, Avicenna Celsus, Paré, and Lister is recognised. Because the science and history of sutures are not well-known to the majority of surgeons. Suture needs a holistic review to understand current research and progress on this widely used product.