Education is a processor effort carried out by someone to gain knowledge, skills, and habits in life. Today education in Indonesia is much influenced by globalization and the development of technology, information, and communication (ICT). ICT has become one of the aspects that is very much considered in the world of education from now on. The use of ICT in planning, process, and evaluation of learning is a very lively discussion discussed by Indonesian education practitioners. The teacher must be able to process the development of ICT in a positive direction so that students do not forget their original culture as the Indonesian nation. many things teachers can do by using Tats in the learning process. Teachers can find more educational references, teachers can use ICT as a learning medium. By using e-learning, students will become more motivated in learning. One form of e-learning based learning is to use a 3D page flip book application. The e-book is an innovative book that is designed to produce printed books because it produces products in the form of soft and economical distribution files. The ethnic-constructivistic module developed here will use a professional 3D page flip. In this research, we will see how the implementation of e-learning-based learning, ethnoconstuctivist multimedia with module uses a 3D page flip book. In addition, in this study, it will also be seen how students' responses and motivation after learning using the 3D page flip book application.