This study aims to prove the morphophonology of polymorphemic words with allomorphic construction {mәŋ-} and basic morphemes with initial vowel phonemes /a/, /e-ε/, /ә/, /i-I/, /o-ͻ/, /u-U/: (a) unity of energy of nasal consonant /ŋ/ intra-syllable, and (b) segment of nasal consonant /ŋ/ intra-syllable, and (c) morphophonological process. The data collection involved listening and recording techniques followed by note-taking techniques. The recording was created using the Speech Analyzer Praat. This research contains six data: [mәŋtak], [mәŋekͻr], [mәŋәndap], [mәŋikat], [mәŋomba?], [mәŋukur]. Data analysis used a sound approach with distributional methods and induction methods. The results of this study are (1) the unitary energy of the nasal consonant /ŋ/ in the syllable energy of the two polymorphemic words, for example [mә.ŋe.kͻr], and (2) the segmental sound of the entity nasal consonant /ŋ/ tough is at the onset of the second syllable. polymorphemic words, for example, [mә.ŋәn.dap], (3) between the sound sequences that the consonant-nasal entity /ŋ/ onset of the second syllable polymorphemic words, for example [mә.ŋi.kat], shifts to the first syllable coda so that the first syllable takes the form allomorph {mәŋ-}and basic morpheme {bond has the initial vowel phoneme /i/.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menemukan morfofonologi kata polimorfemik berkonstruksi alomorf {mәŋ-} dan morfem dasar berfonem awal vokal /a/, /e-ε/, /ә/, /i-I/, /o-ͻ/, /u-U/ pada aspek: (a) kesatuan energi konsonan nasal /ŋ/ intrasilabel, dan (b) segmen bunyi konsonan nasal /ŋ/ di intrasilabel, serta (c) proses morfofonologinya. Penyediaan data menggunakan metode simak dan teknik rekam yang dilanjutkan dengan teknik catat. Perekaman dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat speech analyzer Praat. Penelitian ini terdapat enam kelompok data: [mәŋambil], [mәŋekͻr], [mәŋәndap], [mәŋikat], [mәŋomba?], [mәŋukur]. Data dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan akustik (getaran bunyi) dengan metode agih dan metode induksi. Hasil penelitian ini ialah (1) kesatuan energi dibuktikan entitas konsonan nasal /ŋ/ dalam kesatuan energi silabel kedua kata polimorfemik, misalnya [mә.ŋe.kͻr], dan (2) bunyi segmental dibuktikan entitas konsonan nasal /ŋ/ tegar berada pada onset silabel kedua kata polimorfemik, misalnya [mә.ŋәn.dap], (3) antarrangkaian bunyi bahwa entitas konsonan-nasal /ŋ/ onset silabel kedua kata polimorfemik, misalnya [mә.ŋi.kat], bergeser ke koda silabel kesatu sehingga silabel kesatu berwujud alomorf {mәŋ-} dan morfem dasar {ikat} berfonem awal vokal /i/.