F or more than a century, biologists have known that body temperature strongly affects the capacities and rates of organisms and thus is a key determinant of organismal performance and Darwinian fitness (1-3). Although rate/temperature (RT) relationships have been quantified for many traits and taxa, interest in RT studies is being revitalized because RT relationships are relevant to predicting biological responses to climate warming (4), as well as to testing the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE), a thermodynamic model of the impacts of body size, temperature, and metabolism on broad-scale biological patterns (5, 6). In PNAS, Dell et al. (7) present a massive compilation of RT data, evaluate quantitative predictions of MTE, and analyze systematic patterns of variation in temperature sensitivity. Their findings both support and challenge MTE, and their analyses will prompt new insights into systematic variation in temperature sensitivity of biological traits.
Thermodynamics and Organismal RatesOne of the first quantitative studies of thermal sensitivity was published in PNAS in 1920 by the legendary astronomer Harlow Shapley (8). He showed that walking speed of ants increased directly and predictably with temperature, at least to some "optimal" or maximum-activity temperature. In fact, he could predict air temperature to within 1°C, merely by measuring ant walking speed! He noted (8) that ant activity should be governed by the same physical processes (e.g., temperature) that control chemical and metabolic interactions. Then, in a second PNAS article on ant "thermokinetics" (9), he found that ant thermal sensitivity was consistent with thermodynamic [i.e., BoltzmannArrhenius (BA)] expectations. Thus, a thermodynamic basis of organismal RT relationships is longstanding. Interestingly, Shapley (10) later commented, "One of the most interesting points I have gathered in my scientific career is the speed at which one particular kind of ant will run with a rising temperature."Fast forward to the 21st century, when proponents of MTE began formalizing the thermodynamic bases for RT relationships (5, 6). They argued (5, 6) the thermal sensitivity of diverse activities can be described by simple BA kinetics (equation 1 in ref. 7), in which the log of a rate is linearly related to the inverse of absolute temperature with slope E ("activation energy"). Their empirical studies showed an E value of approximately 0.65 eV in several interspecific comparisons, suggesting that E had a universal thermal dependence (UTD) for many biological rates of diverse organisms. Nevertheless, other interspecific and intraspecific comparisons have challenged UTD on empirical and conceptual grounds (3,(11)(12)(13). In the aforementioned new study in PNAS, Dell et al. (7) substantially advance this debate by synthesizing and analyzing data on 1,072 thermal sensitivities (on a within-species basis) of diverse physiological and ecological traits (n = 112) in 309 species (plants, microbes, animals) from land, sea, and air.For RT relationships, Dell...