X study was made of the influence of temperature on growth and oxygen uptake by Sclerotinin borealis Bub. and Vleug. Growth was measured as the increase in diameter of colonies on agar media and oxygen uptake, by conventional manometric procedures with cells removed from shake cultures incubated a t 0 OC.The results indicated that the fungus is highly psychrophilic with an o p t i n~u~n temperature for growth a t 0 OC, a maximum a t approximately 15 "C, and a lninimurn below -5 "C. C u l t~~r e s grown a t 0 "C ceased to grow when transferred to temperatures above 15 OC but, within limits, resumed growth again after a lag when returned to 0 OC. The length of the lag period was proportional to both the degree and the duration of the temperature elevation.The opti~nirtn temperature for oxygen uptake was 25 "C, the rate remaining linear a t this temperature during a 6-hour incubation period. The rate a t 25 "C declined slowly over a period of 4 days but the rate a t 1 OC declined to a similar degree. The QIO for oxygen uptake was very low, the rate a t 25 "C being only double that a t 1 OC.