In the ELF range, the homogeneous, isotropic model ionosphere is not successful in explaining observed signal characteristics. This has prompted the introduction of gradually tapered ionosphere models by Wait [1960aWait [ , b , 1962 and Galejs [1961aGalejs [ , b , 1962 , which still h ave not consider ed the effects of ion motion and the earth 's magnetic field.The purpose of this p ap er is primarily to estim ate the probable effects on ELF propagation caused b y the earth's magnetic field in con1.bination wit h electron and ion densities which vary gradually with heigh t. To this end , normal quiet day and night models of the lower ionosphere are selected. The usual Appleton-Hartl'ee formulas for the electrical conductivity of a li gh tly ionized gas of different ionized species arc used. Assuming a static magnetic field Eo to act in the z direction th e Cartesian form of th e tensor permittiviLy for a harmonic field with time dependence exp (-iwt) is, The calculations of (T i are based on avail able electron and ion density and collision frequency data and result for daytime conditions in the curves shown in fig ure 1. The altitude variation of each of the three components of the tensor conductivity is seen to be nearly exponential through the lower part of th e ionosphere . The propagation in an inhomogeneous, anisotropic medium involves, in general, coupled differential equations which are difficult to solve. However, based on the sharply bounded uniform ionosphere, the most pronounced anisotropy effects may be expected for propagation along the magnetic equator [Wait and Spies, 1960c]. In this particular case the surface impedance (required for determination of the waveguide mode constants) at the lower edge of the anisotropic ionosphere can be derived from 1 The lull paper ap p ears in the J anuary 1964 issue of IEEE T ran sactions on Antennas and P ropagation. Th is work was su pported by the Office of Naval R esear cb undcr Contract Nonr 3185(00).